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Adam Arellano works closely with startup founders to assess their startup concept's feasibility. This study is an analysis that considers all of a project's relevant factors—including economic, technical, legal, and marketplace impact Ito ascertain the likelihood of developing a successful mobile app.


Executive summary

Description of startup

Technology considerations

App Marketolace

Marketing strategy


Financial Projections

Findings & Recommendations

An executive summary provides an overview of the startup research. Oftentimes, executive summaries are the only place decision makers will go to determine if action is warranted on a particular action or idea.

Startup description provides a thorough overview of the new organization, its aspirations, and the problem it aims to solve. 

A complete assessment of the development languages required to develop the software and or determine its possible technical limitations.

Address the market size and potential impact of the startup within its given sector.

 Startup's overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into users or customers. A marketing strategy contains the company's value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements.

Define core team members, their roles, and responsibilities.

Financial projections use existing or estimated financial data to forecast a startup's future income and expenses. They often include different scenarios to determine how changes to one aspect of finances (such as higher sales or lower operating expenses) might affect profitability.

A final recommendation of the startup's position in their respective marketplace and the likelihood of success and or recommendations to improve their unique value proposition. 


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