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Why Marketers Must Think Personalization

Almost everyone is focused on content these days, creating, curating, and sharing large amounts of it on a daily basis. But how many are succeeding at creating truly engaging content for the masses? Very few. Many marketers might claim to produce terrific content, and maybe they are, but simply churning out content doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. The challenge today is to produce content that stands out from the rest and connects with the audience on a different level. Because we are bombarded with content on social and traditional media, we are quickly becoming immune to even the best. This is why a sound content strategy with active promotion is not all you need to guarantee results.

Personalization is Key to Online Marketing Success

Now is the time when we need to utilize social data and marketing technology to create highly personalized experiences for our readers and potential clients. We need to devise content strategies that are data-driven. In fact, without data to drive strategy, our online marketing efforts will leave us chasing our tails. Data can be used in numerous ways, of course, but when it comes to getting real return on your marketing efforts, it is most useful for helping you get personal.

But what exactly is personalization, and why is it so important? Today, people have access to a wide range of content from not one or two, but an obscene number of channels. Due to this deluge of information, people naturally get their interests piqued by content which is tailored to their interests and needs. All the rest just flows on by, and never gets a read. Personalized content talks directly to your target audience and offers the exact solution he/she is looking for. You may say that sounds much like a 1:1 approach, or an omni-channel approach, and you’re right. A personalized content strategy has omni-channel implications. I’ll explain.

Omni-channel is not Multi-channel

It’s all too common for marketers to use the terms “omni-channel” and “multi-channel” synonymously when they are not. While multi-channel means creating content fit to be published on multiple channels, omni-channel goes deeper than that. An omni-channel strategy is customer-centric, where the focus is on creating a memorable experience for customers at all points of interaction with your content and your brand. The omni-channel approach highly personalizes your content.

The First Step Towards a Personalized Approach is to Know your Audience

The cut and dried method of content marketing has long died. Cookie cutters don’t work anymore. Naturally, the impetus is on you knowing your audience as completely as you can. Data and predictive analysis play a vital role here. In fact, the need to personalize is the reason why data has become an inseparable part of content strategies, and overall digital strategies. However, simply capturing data doesn’t work. Triggering the emotion of satisfaction is the direct result of a personalized marketing strategy powered by relevant data and insights. You need to extract what is relevant and essential for your target audience. Without this knowledge, you will be shooting in the dark.

I’ll put it this way – if your content fails to trigger the feeling your audience needs satisfied, you’re probably not doing it right.

How are you using data to create an omni-channel (personalized) approach to your content strategy?

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