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How I Raised $105,314.45 with My First Pitch to Investors

As a millennial entrepreneur there has never been a better time to turn a simple idea into something big.

We are the most privileged generation in history to start a new business in the technology space from mobile apps to e-commerce websites, it has never been easier.

We have unlimited resources and distribution networks to tap into with instantaneous reach to the end user like never before.

If you are prepared for hard work and committed to your venture you can succeed.

Five years ago I had an idea for my first tech start-up. I knew I had a great idea, but with zero capital to successfully build and launch it, I needed to learn how to make a successful pitch to investors to back my idea.

For someone who had never done this before, it was no simple task…

  • I only had an idea with no proof of concept

  • I was unknown in the technology space

  • I had zero experience in raising capital in the past

However, I knew I had a solid idea and was willing to do whatever it took to raise the money I needed to get my idea off the ground.

After researching the industry, shopping my competitors, and speaking with developers I came to the conclusion that I needed to raise $100,000 to launch my idea. This was a big number for me then, but I was up for the task.

The problem was I had no idea where to even begin. I had no connections to angel investors or venture capital firms, and banks were not willing to lend me the money as there was too much risk.

That was not going to stop me.

My next idea was to create a crowd-funding campaign to have other people invest in my idea. I created an account with all of the major websites expecting the money to roll in once it hit the marketplace.

The result - ZERO dollars raised for my idea.

I was so frustrated and thought to myself, “What is wrong with my idea?! Why can’t anyone else see how amazing this is going to be??”

The problem with crowd-funding my idea was I did not have any rewards to offer. With the most successful campaigns the creators are able to give away physical, tangible products for people to use. I didn’t.

I went back to the drawing board after my major crowd-funding failure.

This time I would take the time to research how the biggest tech companies in the world got their start. Granted they were all computer programmers (which I am not) so they had a clear advantage, however, they did need to raise capital to turn their idea into reality.

After weeks of studying hundreds of successful tech start-ups and how they raised their seed round of funding, I finally put together a master plan to raise the money I required for my own tech start-up.

The result – I raised over $100,000 with my first pitch to investors!

My Master Plan Can Work For You Too!

I have created a Master Plan that is guaranteed, if you follow each step, to attract investors who will fund your app idea.

I want to help you personally as I have worked with numerous entrepreneurs like you to raise over $1,000,000 to date! All you have to do is contact me and I will be happy to show you how to deliver a successful pitch the first time.

Once you opt-in I will show you:

  • The 5 key elements if followed correctly that guarantee you get funded

  • With complete confidentiality, we will review your idea and advise you on the best fundraising strategy.

  • My exact blueprint to how I raised $100k+ so you can duplicate it.

Also, you will immediately receive a copy of my free ebook Prototype Power. This step-by-step guide will show you everything you need to know to get your app idea funded and in the app store.

I look forward to hearing from you and helping you take your concept to the next level!

To Your Success, Adam

P.S Follow my app launch companies on Instagram @suitetwentyfour and @applaunchacademy

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